Monday, May 07, 2007

2/30 - Melancholy

Posting every day? I already feel as though I have bitten off more than I can chew . . .

Paul has been gone for nearly two weeks, and it is one more week before he returns. It feels like forever. Last time he went away it wasn't for so long and he wasn't so far away, and I was in the midst of midterms and paper writing, so his absence was a bit of a relief and it was nice to be in very quiet and very tidy space. This time he is gone for a week longer, and has missed most of my break in between semesters. Work has been stressful, and afternoons have been boring and melancholy. But good news! Integral calculus starts tomorrow!


Christa Giles said...

Approaching calculus with glee has got to be a good thing.. right?

At any point, if you're spending more time thinking about dropping the challenge than about what you're going to write next, and feeling any sort of angst about it, drop the challenge. Really. Its a blog, ferchrissake.

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm partnerless this week too. Let me know if you want to meet up!

kimberley said...

you should have made yourself another ultimate goal, like last time's "must clean carpets and then lay on clean carpets before they are instantly soiled upon paul's return" goal. this time it could have been "must leave chocolate bar out on coffee table for record number of days."