Friday, December 15, 2006

Crust Test

My good friend KTS found the Crust Test booklet in his girlfriend's sister's car, and after he gave me the Crust Test I knew for sure it needed to be shared with the world.

Crust Test:

1. Which of the following has a crust?
a) feet
b) bathtub
c) hippy
d) toast

2. Which of the following does not have a crust?
a) toast
b) pizza
c) pie
d) angry

3. What is crust best used for?
a) soaking up spills
b) making art projects
c) holding doors open
d) recreational use only

4. Do crusts float?
a) yes, life-preservers are crust inside
b) no, cement is mostly crust
c) no, don't be silly
d) it's never been tried (that would be a waste of crust)

5. What is the national crust capitol?
a) Crustville
b) Cape Crust
c) Crustfornia
d) Winnipeg

6. What if all toast was made only of crust?
a) no one would eat it
b) the crust shortage would come to an end
c) toast would be called crust and crust would be called toast
d) angry

7. Could crust take over the world?
a) yes, if we let it
b) no, crust has no legs
c) people would be better off
d) no one would notice

8. If you hate crust people might refer to you as . . .
a) crust hostile
b) crust jerk
c) crustist
d) the anticrust


Anonymous said...


Christa Giles said...

That is so KTS.

I had a good time with his mom today at the CPR Update.. she still rocks even with a light dusting of sadness...

kimberley said...

fuckin' crust test...

Katie said...

Whaddya got against the crust test?

kimberley said...

nothing, but only because it's CHRISTMAS (eastern time)!!!!!!!!

merry christmas katie trant,

and happy festivus to the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

i like crust. the pie/toast kind, not the bathtub/foot kind.

Rebecca said...

Just wanted to say Happy New Year!

(don't know where your email address has gone too)

Hope you had a great a little on it?

kimberley said...

don't make me kill you, trant.