Saturday, October 28, 2006


It's official. The terrible horrible no good very bad mood I've been in for the last month or so has finally lifted. It feels fan-fucking-tastic to be gone. To be correct, it lifted last Wednesday, but I a)haven't made time to blog, and b)wanted to be sure before I started bragging about it and all.

What made it lift? Not really sure. Maybe I've adjusted to the cooler greyer weather. Maybe it's having survived round 1 of midterms this semester, and having done smashingly well in calculus and on my biology lab exam, and realizing where I went wrong in the bio lecture exam and looking forward to kicking ass on the next one. Maybe deciding not to do certain things at work that just aren't my job has helped. Who knows. It's gone, and that's good.

Tonight I am going to my 10 yr highschool reunion. It's been more than 10 years, but they didn't get their act together to organize something for when we actually graduated. So I'm going to go because I'm worried I'll regret it if I don't. I'm sure they're still assholes. I'm going to tell them I invented Post-It notes. Don't worry Tro, I'll tell them it was your idea to make them yellow.


Christa Giles said...

Glad you're feeling better! I had two-and-a-half days of feeling like crap and trying to do social things anyways, and then feeling like more crap... so I stayed home Saturday night, missed a bunch of Halloween events I'd been planning to go to, and now I feel great! Ish!

Can't wait to hear how the reunion went... only now, that I can say "I'm a professional hula hooper!" with a straight face, does it even remotely amuse me to think of going to one of my reunions... with a bunch of negative snobby thoughts about being so much better than all the worn-out, old-looking, bitter-jobbed people who used to make my life hell... and then I think of what a negative place all of that comes from in my head, and just resolve not to bother.


So, details! How was it? Did your highschool crushes go? Who was your fav person then, vs your fav person now?


Liminal Me said...

Welcome back, Katie. Glad to hear things are on an upswing.