Thursday, January 24, 2008

lecture hall rage

Picture this; a lecture hall with 260 students. About 1/3 of the people there actually interested in learning, the other 2/3 there only to yap with their friends. I fall in the minority category, wanting to learn, desperately trying to concentrate on the lecture and hear what the prof is saying. People all around me yap yap yapping.

Yesterday, I got to class early, staked out a good spot close to the front, but not so close that I had to crane my neck to see the PowerPoint presentation. People around me are generally good, but then two yappers show up - a boy and a girl. About 5 min into the lecture I turn around and politely ask them to stop talking, and indicate I am having difficulty hearing the lecture. They say sure, and then just keep on talking. The talk the entire freaking lecture, in spite of me asking them several times to stop. At the end of the lecture as we're all packing up our stuff, I have words with them. The exchange goes like this:

Me: Your talking is not quiet. It's very distracting and makes it difficult to hear the lecture.

Sassy little bitch: Awesome!

Me: Maybe for you, but I'm trying to hear the prof.

SLB: I'm sure you could find somewhere else to sit.

Me: I'm sure you could find somewhere else to have your conversation. This is a classroom.

I could not believe this chick had the audacity to suggest that if I didn't like her talking I should move! I'm always so filled with rage by the end of this class, I almost feel like there is no point even going. This is what I'm paying for? Sitting in a lecture hall listening to 18yr olds who are experiencing freedom and adult responsibility for the first time? I may not make it through this semester!


Anonymous said...

I guess since I'm anti-violence my only suggestion would be that you squrit her in the crotch with your water bottle so she has to walk around looking like she peed her pants. I guess then no one will want to talk to her anymore!

Anonymous said...

Haha, i like Cam's idea, but as i am pro-violence towards annoying stupid people my vote comes in the form of baseball bat or hockey stick to the face. and then water bottle to the crotch.


Anonymous said...

i'd complain to the prof, and take comfort knowing that she is about to go through her early 20s. that's punishment enough.

p.s. email me your mailing address, birthday girl!