Wednesday, June 27, 2007

uh . . .

So, if you took a graph of a curve, say, y=2-xsquared, and a graph of a line, say, y=x, and you took those two graphs and rotated them about an axis, like x=2 for example, such that the graphs then formed a three dimensional shape, then you took a slice from the middle of that 3-D shape, or say, a thin strip of the crust that would form around the outside, what would the volume of that strip or slice be?

Um, who fucking cares?

Please send smart math vibes my way tomorrow between 3:30 and 5:30pm. Or liquor. Lots and lots of liquor.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's really cool. I'm not sure how to find the answer, but amazingly I can totally visualize the problem, which is a lot more than I can say for the one time I took calculus. If I finished that class with a 76%, you're going to do just amazingly well.

And now I feel like doing math. How'd you do that?

Christa Giles said...

Holy crap... I don't miss math at all, and am happy that I only have to do it for knitting now. (did some on the weekend, and actually find it waaaay easier to do it on paper than using a calculator.. while my attempts to do it in my head tonight left me with a wonky wavy hat brim)

Rotsza ruck!

Anonymous said...

I have no math skills. But I do have a huge bottle of rum I bought in the duty free on my way back from the conference. I don't really even drink rum, I just thought it was hilarious that it was called "mount gay rum"

So obviously I also don't have maturity either. Looks like I won't be much help. Unless you need a mojito!

Good luck...

Katie said...

Jill, I don't know how I did it. It feels really really wrong.

Xta, I'm looking forward to only having to do math for food related things.

Anne, when I was living in New Zealand I found a brand of multi coloured ice cream cones called "Gay Time Rainbow Cones" and I thought it was the most hilious thing I'd ever seen so bought a box and kept them for a year. I'll take a mojito and then some!

Anonymous said...

Ok, late to the game, but...

The only volume I'd care about is the volume left in my wine bottle.