Wednesday, June 13, 2007

okay, okay, I'm okay.

Thanks to those of you who emailed or called gently prodding for updates on my health situation. Long story short, I'm fine. There was a small clot, then it was gone. The venogram showed nice clear veins with good blood flow and no residual clotting. I visited with my vascular surgeon today, and he says I get to stop treating my belly like a pin-cushion with all those sub-cutaneous anti-coagulant injections, and just wait and see if anything happens. The doc is a laid back kinda fellow who does triathlons and understands the active lifestyle, so I feel reasonably confident in his diagnosis, and somewhat relieved that he neither wants to yank out my extra rib or put me on long term blood thinners at this point. Although I do recall a story where someone does something interesting with a rib . . . crafternoon anyone?

It's 3:50pm, which seems like a reasonable time for a cocktail. I'm off!

1 comment:

Christa Giles said...


And yup, anytime you wanna do a crafternoon, lemme know.. oh, aside from all the incredibly busy weekends coming up, of course. ./sigh :)

Glad you're okay again!