Saturday, April 22, 2006

she's back from the land before blog

Apologies for the delay in posting, I've been busy trying to keep my head from exploding. But the term has done, and I survived it! More importantly, I managed to get through the term without killing Paul, though I plotted ways to do go about it for at least the last 6 weeks of the term.

On my mind today? Worms! No, not the kind that you can get from biting your fingernails that make your anus itch at night (you should NEVER bite your fingernails), the red wrigglers which can be used in worm composting.

One of the things that has really bugged me about living in an apartment is the inability to compost, and on this earth day I've been searching around for ways to reduce my waste, and I've come upon the worms. What fun! You can read all about how to start your own apartment friendly worm compost system HERE. Now I just have to convince Paul we want about 1000 new roommates . . .

Also, Paul and I have agreed that we need an 'us' activity. Something we can do once a week that is not school, triathlon, work, watching tv, etc. Something we do together that isn't physically demanding (not after a 6hr training day, anyways) and doesn't have to be the same every week. So far pottery class and playing cards are the top suggestions. More suggestions welcome.

In closing, three of my close friends and my boss all lost a close family member within a 3 week span. I won't discuss the details, because it isn't my place, but I will say this; count your blessings, and tell your loved ones you love them. You never know what's around the corner.


Christa Giles said...

Here was mine:

When I was considering worm composting, I thought it would be cool to make a lid for the bin that was a chopping board.. cut up veggies, take off the good pieces, slide the lid sideways and push the waste to the worms... it would also help raise the cutting surface a bit for me, 'cause I find regular kitchen counters too low for comfort.

You and Paul could schedule Buddy walks together :) Spring/summer weather is good for picnics.. or come over and garden at my house! (I have all the best intentions, just haven't gotten around to it yet...)


Anonymous said...
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Christa Giles said...

Uhm... I AM a man with dreads, going to school and getting an education. Did you not READ my blog?

(and, Katie...? Any idea who would bother posting stupid stuff in your comments?)


Katie said...

X - sorry my blog became a hostile place for you. I've removed that comment, and I hope whoever left it never returns here. Or that it was someone we know who wants to explain their warped sense of humour.

My personal dread-phobia aside, I think the pictures (particularly the one with the dreads in the ponytail) look lovely.

Walking Buddy is something we do quite often, and will continue to do. Yesterday we went to Granville Island, got a snack in the market and wandered (or hobbled in my back brace) around in the sunshine. It was good.

Christa Giles said...

Oh crap, is your back out again? That suucks..

I did a full-on dread wash today, and then put in the tropical tightening gel stuff that smells like a lime margarita.. and even convinced Kim Day to give 'em a sniff!

I like them up in a pony tail too.. makes it automatically more interesting (and volumnous) than my old slick look... but I gotta say they are NOT time-saving at the moment.. in the name of good dread care, I have actually been standing under the hair dryers at the pool, and today my gel process took 45 min! Ack! I'm a prima donna! ./grin

Thanks for killing that post. How weird... (now trying to remember if it was something that might have sounded properly KTS-ish if he had said it... is that what KTS humour looks like in writing?)

Anyway, no biggie.. I should have a necklace for you soon, too.. :)


Karyn said...

I (finally) managed convince/remind my mother to make me a worm bin for my birthday. I keep it out on my patio, with supposedly small enough holes that rodents can't get in. We will see if I (a) open it to find a rat one day, or (b) kill all my worms, or (c) get "seriously" reprimanded by the building council for having a smelley patio.